This website is for those who
are 18 years old and upwards.
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🎵 18+ Years Old Adult Bible
Content Song of Songs
Section | 18+ Lesbian Only Hentai Lounge:
Plurality = Traumagenic Polycule
How to go to Heaven
1) Everyone is born a sinner. Sin is any violation of God’s law.
Ecclesiastes 7:20 NRSVue Surely there is no one on earth so righteous as to do good without ever sinning.
2) Penalty of all sin is death.
Romans 6:23 NRSVue For the wages of sin is death.
3) Jesus Christ, the LORD God, lived a perfect life free of sin.
1 John 3:5 NRSVue You know that he was revealed to take away sins, and in him there is no sin.
4) Jesus Christ, our Savior, died, was buried and bodily resurrected 3 days later to pay for all sin. This is the Gospel.
Ephesians 2:8-9 NRSVue For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God— not the result of works, so that no one may boast.
5) Have faith alone in Jesus Christ to be made clean of all your sins and thus be permanently saved. Thus, you can never lose your salvation.
Titus 3:5 NRSVue he saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy, through the water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
6) Those who have not believed in Jesus Christ and die, go to Sheol/Hades, the realm of the dead and will mentally suffer in the Lake of Fire until they eventually have faith alone in Jesus Christ to be saved.
1 Samuel 2:6 NRSVue The Lord kills and brings to life; he brings down to Sheol and raises up.
7) Everybody will eventually become believers in Jesus Christ, and thus all will be saved from sin and go to Heaven eventually.
1 Corinthians 15:22 NRSVue for as all die in Adam, so all will be made alive in Christ.
Recorded in 2019
Avatar designs created using Rinmuru Mega Fantasy Avatar Creator
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she states
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,Just credit please :)!
Blaze |
Daniel |
Denial |
Iglezia |
Izraelle |
Le** |
Loren |
Lucern |
McLaser |
Moloch |
Nalzon |
Renald |
Alter [Other Name]: shorthand = The Title (Defense Mechanism)
Blaze [Flame]: b = The Archer (Passion)
Daniel: d = The Mage (Normalacy)
Denial: de = The Game (Contrarianism)
Ei: ei = The Raiden Shogun (
Garison DeCrick [GSun]: g = The Sun (Humor)
Harold Samson [HSong]: h = The Song (Martrydom)
Iesua Nazarenus: i = The Infernannihilationist (Fight)
Iglezia: ig = The Church (Menticide)
Izraelle: iz = The State (Manipulation)
Jaysa Jam [JSA, Nalzon, Dark1590]: j = The Narcissist (Fawn)
Le**: le = The Mother (Mimicry)
Loran Ipsum [Loren]: l = The Machiavellian (Freeze)
Lucern: lu = The Luciferian (Esotericism)
Lysis Lyrics: ly = The Lyricist (Distraction)
McLaser: mc = The Capitalist
Moloch [MLK, Shredder]: m = The Manospherian (Intimidation)
Okuu [Utsuho Reiuji]: o = The Mystic (Flight)
Renald [Renald'o]: r = The Shakespearean (Confusion)
Garison DeCrick |
Harold Samson |
Lysis Lyrics |
Authors of this Website: We’re plural. Jaysa (she/her/hers) and Loran (she/her/hers) and Okuu (she/her/hers) and Iesua (she/her/hers) and others
Jaysa: she/her | | ADHD -> AuDHD | AMAB -> Transgender -> Transfemme -> Transgirl | Anime Fan | Anti-Capital-Punishment | Anti-Slavery | Anti-Solitary-Confinement | Anti-Theocracy (I support Separation of Church and State) | Anti-Torture | Asthma (Diagnosed by a Doctor at Birth) | Bilingual -> English and French Speaker -> Anglophone and Francophone | Coder (C#, HTML/CSS, Java) | Collapsnik (Climate Change is Real) | Digital Artist | Enneagram 1w2 | Faith Aloner (Free Grace) | Filipino Canadian | Full Preterist | LGBTQIA+ Member | Gamer Girl | Hard Determinist (All Events Are Predetermined, Free Will Does Not Exist) | HSP | INFJ-T | Monist (Not A Dualist) | Musician -> Guitar, Piano, Singer | Neurodivergent -> Autistic | OCD -> Scrupulosity | Okuu is my waifu :3 | OSASer | Progressive Christian | Pro-Choice | Pro-Vaxxer | Protestant | Theistic Evolutionist | Trinitarian |
AKA: I’m just
some random woman on the Internet! God blesses you all! :D
Gay |
Femme Lesbian |
Woman Aligned Lesbian |
Transbian |
Asexual Lesbian |
Gray Asexual Lesbian |
Lykoi Lesbian |
Inclusive Lesbian |
Aurora Lesbian |
Bambi Lesbian |
She/Her Lesbian |
Autilesbian |
Polyamorous Lessbian |
SAM Lesromantic |
Goth Lesbian |
Winter Lesbian |