Journal Entries


The date today is Dec 21 2022

[Square brackets] [Is commentary from this date, which is 5 years later] [To clarify parts into a Christian Universalism perspective]


Truth: Jesus Christ will save everyone. Even those who die without believing, will go to Sheol where Christ Jesus will persuade them to believe in Him with faith alone to be saved, thus all people will go to Heaven.


Warning: The following posts contain references to Anxiety, Asthma, Autism, Child Abuse, Corporeal Punishment, Depression, Hell, Mannerisms, Physical Abuse, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Self Harm, Scrupulosity, Social Anxiety, Suicide,


Disclaimer: Hell is temporary, everyone will go to Heaven. Spanking children is child abuse and physical abuse and sexual abuse, it is evil. I only let out my suicidal thoughts to vent, I will not kill myself. Please seek medical attention for any life-threatening conditions. I love my family, I care for my family members deeply and forgive them for everything as Christ has forgiven me for all I have done.

 nal Entries (Sept 17 2014 – Aug 29 2016)

Journal Entry 0: Genesis


Journal Entries (Sept 6 2017 – Jan 15 2018)


Journal Entry 1: About the Author


Journal Entry 2: First but Not


Journal Entry 3: Oddology


Journal Entry 4: Rush for What


Journal Entry 5: Peace of Prayer


Journal Entry 6: Drill or Thrill


Journal Entry 7: Rest When Not


Journal Entry 8: Black Box


Journal Entry 9: Persecution Points


Journal Entry 10: Mouth Ache


Journal Entry 11: Feel It Beating


Journal Entry 12: Relaxing in Vain


Journal Entry 14: The Rush of Suicide


Journal Entry 19: Catch You Later


Journal Entry 22: Dense Progress


Journal Entry 23: Three Modules


Journal Entry 24: Disappointing Sapped


Journal Entry 26: Made Loss


Journal Entry 27: Rush and More


Journal Entry 28: Staring not Caring


Journal Entry 29: Fringe Friday


Journal Entry 30: No Time for Long


Journal Entry 31: Back to Morrow


Journal Entry 32: Tried and Tired


Journal Entry 33: Bus Distractions


Journal Entry 34: Rush of the Day


Journal Entry 35: Desires


Journal Entry 36: Hollow Starving


Journal Entry 37: Stomach Pains


Journal Entry 38: Pain in my Head


Journal Entry 39: Onwards and Outwords


Journal Entry 40: Late in Late Out


Journal Entry 41: Earls of Early


Journal Entry 42: Involuntary Volunteer


Journal Entry 43: Mentions of Madness


Journal Entry 44: Shortness of Breath


Journal Entry 45: No Monkey Business


Journal Entry 46: Time Around


Journal Entry 47: Picked on Pinterest


Journal Entry 48: Warm Yoke


Journal Entry 49: Fast


Journal Entry 50: Bumpy Road


Journal Entry 51: Another Calm Bump


Journal Entry 52: Regular Day


Journal Entry 53: Burn Burnin


Journal Entry 54: Through Thinking


Journal Entry 55: Trudging Through


Journal Entry 56: Here I Am


Journal Entry 57: Season of Waiting


Journal Entry 58: Monitoring Myself


Journal Entry 59: Shimmering Down


Journal Entry 60: Make it Quick


Journal Entry 61: Hard to Breathe


Journal Entry 62: He’s a Doctor


Journal Entry 63: Living on Life


Journal Entry 64: Died Down


Journal Entry 65: Just Surviving


Journal Entry 66: Too Much Sleep


Journal Entry 67: Late to Start


Journal Entry 69: Marks


Journal Entry 70: My Melancholy


Journal Entry 71: Waiting On


Journal Entry 72: Can’t Stand It


Journal Entry 73: Enough is Not


Journal Entry 74: Through Suffering


Journal Entry 75: No Bible Blogs


Journal Entry 76: The Rest is Rest


Journal Entry 77: Depress Depression


Journal Entry 78: Videogames


Journal Entry 79: Worrying about Worrying


Journal Entry 80: Exposition


Journal Entry 81: Extra Exposition


Journal Entry 82: Quick


Journal Entry 83: Leaving Behind


Journal Entry 84: No Noisey


Journal Entry 85: Live Forever After Dead


Journal Entry 86: Pass On


Journal Entry 87: Photo Pass


Journal Entry 88: Pass Through


Journal Entry 89: PASSOVER_____________________________


Journal Entry 90: Don’t Take Seriously


Journal Entry 91: Don’t Take for Granted


Journal Entry 92: Take Two


Journal Entry 93: Tackle Tool


Journal Entry 94: Washroom


Journal Entry 95: Tea Time


Journal Entry 96: Sea Tea


Journal Entry 97: Teach Y


Journal Entry 98: Tea and Meditation


Journal Entry 99: Validatea


Journal Entry 100: Almost Bleu It


Journal Entry 101: Not a Bleu Christmas


Journal Entry 102: U Blue


Journal Entry 103: Stories


Journal Entry 104: Storrying


Journal Entry 105: Tea Break


Journal Entry 106: Break the Cycle


Journal Entry 107: Bicycle


Journal Entry 108: Buy Sigh


Journal Entry 109: Buyte the Dust


Journal Entry 110: Oki Doki


Journal Entry 111: Noki Fade


Journal Entry 112: Phoney Foam


Journal Entry 113: Justice


Journal Entry 114: Happy Thoughts


Journal Entry 115: Lose Track


Journal Entry 116: Notice


Journal Entry 117: Hard Willed


Journal Entry 118: Hard Boiled


Journal Entry 119: Hard Work


Journal Entry 120: Hard


Journal Entry 121: Rest Easy


Ledger Entries (Jan 17 2018 – Sept 10 2019)


Ledger Entry 1: Worry


Ledger Entry 2: Therapy


Ledger Entry 3: Bird


Ledger Entry 4: Prayer


Ledger Entry 5: Gap Theory


Ledger Entry 6: Rapture


Ledger Entry 7: Churchianity


Ledger Entry 8: Buddhism


Ledger Entry 9: Cuddling


Ledger Entry 10: Wait


Ledger Entry 11: Screaming


Ledger Entry 12: Trust


Ledger Entry 13: Infinite


Ledger Entry 14: Anime


Ledger Entry 15: Support


Ledger Entry 16: USB


Ledger Entry 17: Lost Entry


Recollections (Dec 25 2022 - 2023)


Re Entry 1: About the Editor


Re Entry 2: Mannerisms


Re Entry 3: Relaxing


Re Entry 4: Giving


Re Entry 5: Rebuke


Re Entry 6: Insults


Re Entry 7: Slander


Re Entry 8: Friendship


Re Entry 9: Advice


Re Entry 10: Text Message


Re Entry 11: Sadness


Re Entry 12: Therapy


Re Entry 13: Zoom


Re Entry 14: New Passover


Re Entry 15: Cut Ties


Re Entry 16: Two Posts


Re Entry 17: Makes Sense


Re Entry 18: Prayer


Re Entry 19: True Master


Re Entry 20: Kindness


Re Entry 21: Worried


Re Entry 22: Dark City Running


Re Entry 23: Print


Re Entry 24: Gunshots


Re Entry 25: Bank Tower


Re Entry 26: Unfair


Re Entry 27: Abduction


Re Entry 28: Searching for Sister


Re Entry 29: Objectives


Re Entry 30: My Hourly Wage


Loran (NSFW)



The Timeline



First Journal Entries Series Start: Sept 17, 2014


First Journal Entries Series End: May 20, 2015

(Not daily)


Date I Was Saved by Jesus Christ by Faith Alone: May 14, 2017


Christian Journal Entries Series Start: Sept 6, (Wednesday), 2017.



Christian Universalists Discord Server created: Sept 17th 2018


Christian Journal Entries Series Last Date on This Site: Jan 15, (Monday), 2018

(This series continued daily until at least 2020, but I have not included those here as they contain personal information about my family and I, which I wish to protect).


Tentmaker (Christian Universalist Website) Join Date: June 18, 2022, 10:03:06 PM


December 6 2022 7:33 PM Christian Universalists Discord Server Join Date


February 4 2023 11:05 AM Christian Universalists Discord Server First Post


December 22 2022 Founding Date


December 23 2022 My Cherub Dream Day


March 16 2023 John 3:16 Day, 3rd month, 16th day


April 9 2023 11:05 PM Given @The Server’s Daily Quote role on Christian Universalists Discord Server


July 27 2023 The Murderous Iglesia Ni Cristo Day


Sept 29 2023 Became a Elder (Mod Lite) [Kick/Ban] on Christian Universalists Discord Server


Christian Journal Entries Series End Date:


(I was a Christian Universalist before I joined. I knew of Christian Universalism at least in 2018)


Oct 20 2023 Became Overseer (Mod) [Channel management and kick/ban] Can on Christian Universalists Discord Server


Nov 11 2023 Got name Jaysa ave from Purely Symbiotic fan group to register for my AO3 account


Dec 19 2023 My Birthday While I Was Homeless



06/03/2023 1:48 PM

 Psalm 112:5

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,

who conduct their affairs with justice.


God is good. Thus, He must be generous. He is gracious with salvation, as it is a gift He freely gives to all people. All will believe in Christ to accept it. His mercy exalts over His judgment. avees 2:13.

06/04/2023 8:07 PM

Proverbs 10:22

The blessing of the Lord brings wealth,

without painful toil for it.


The Lord may permit pain only temporarily.

But His blessing of life is permanent. Believe in Him, Christ; He is far more valuable than mere physical wealth.

06/05/2023 2:28 PM

Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation—

whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life—

of whom shall I be afraid?



Growing up, I suffered from scrupulosity, a type of OCD, an intense fear of hell. I used to believe in the false doctrines of Eternal Conscious Torment and Annihilationism in the past. What were their fruit? Suicidal ideation, self-harm and frantic survivor’s guilt. Why was I afraid of the Lord? Is He not love?


It was for the sake of my own mental sanity that I was pushed to find this truth. He saves.


What’s changed since then? Well, I made my website about this truth, Universal Reconciliation through faith alone in Christ, who’s spiritual fruit is joy in life, self-kindness and patience in hope. But physically life’s still brutal and filled with suffering. Still, I know for sure that there’s a happy ending awaiting us all my friends.


Why do I believe in this truth? It is for the sake of my own mental sanity. He heals.

06/06/2023 6:53 PM

Luke 14:28 Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?


God wants to save everyone (1 Timothy 2:3-6), to build a holy city, New Jerusalem, with all people of the Earth as it’s inhabitants, believers in Christ. Yet, would not God have first sat down and estimated this cost?

Imagine if God did not save enough people to accomplish this. That’s just poor planning! Surely, the Almighty Lord knew He would complete His salvation.

06/07/2023 12:52 PM

 John 14:2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?


How many rooms are in the Father’s house? One for every person in existence! As all will believe in Christ and be saved. Why would Our Father create a room in His House, only for it to be left empty? Thus, He knew in advance when building His House that everyone would be saved.

06/08/2023 11:44 AM

Isaiah 30:18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!


The Lord longs, meaning יְחַכֶּ֤ה (yə ḥak keh) Strong's 2442: To adhere to, to await. Why does someone wait? Because they expect something to happen, eventually. The Lord expects to give mercy to all people eventually. Otherwise, why would He wait if it will not happen? Thus, all will believe in Lord Christ, who rose up from the dead, and be blessed with salvation, amen.

06/09/2023 1:03 PM

 Psalm 25:6- Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good. 7


I am a sinner; all people are sinners. Before, I was an atheist, I eventually became a believer in Christ. Since God is able to save me from my sins, how much more so will He wash away the sins of the whole world?

If I was born in another part of the world, then I maybe I would have believed sooner or later, who knows. But the fact that some people are saved, means that all will be saved. All will eventually believe in Him. Amen.

06/10/2023 9:23 PM

1 Corinthians 15:21 for since through man is the death, also through man is a rising again of the dead (YLT)


ἀνθρώπου (anthrōpou) to ἀνθρώπου (anthrōpou), man to man, from Adam, death for all, from the Second Adam, Christ, life for all. Believe in God, Jesus, to be made clean of all sin, death, θάνατος (thanatos) to gain αθάνατος (athánatos) permanent life.

06/11/2023 10:28 PM

 Philippians 1:23-24 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.


For many of us, there are those we wish to save who have not yet become believers in Christ. Will God abandon them forever? No. Thus, just as we should not give up on being kind to them, God’s love never fails (1 Cor 13:8). For the people we wish to save, God desires to save many more: all people (1 Timothy 2:3-6).

That is why we remain here on Earth and why God is patient. He will wait until all people believe in Christ, God, to be saved.

06/12/2023 2:10 PM

1 Corinthians 3:16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?


Each person is like a construction site when they are born, awaiting God’s temple. When a person believes in Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells within them permanently and the temple is complete as they are born again. Why would the Almighty God just leave something incomplete? Thus, He will accomplish His will and save us all as we are all His accomplishments! :D

06/13/2023 7:33 PM

Psalm 119:133 Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.


Footsteps implies direction. Each of us travel towards a destination, no matter how far. That is, to have faith alone in Christ, to be made clean of all sin to go to Heaven. Some walk, some run, but eventually, all will reach it. פְּ֭עָמַי (pə·‘ā·may) here refers to feet (Song of Solomon 7:1) or anvil (Isaiah 41:7). We are metal and we will all be refined.

06/14/2023 8:04 PM

Psalm 130:5 I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.


I wait for = קִוִּ֣יתִי (Strong's 6960 qiw·wî·ṯî) = To bind together, collect, to expect

What do we wait for? Genesis 49:18. For Your salvation I wait, O LORD. קִוִּ֥יתִי  (Strong's 6960 qiw-wî-ṯî)

The whole world waits. The word of the Lord is for the salvation of all through faith in Christ. He will collect us all. We will Genesis 1:9 יִקָּו֨וּ be gathered together (Strong's 6960 yiq-qā-wū) in Heaven.

06/15/2023 7:37 PM

Nehemiah 9:31 and in Thine abundant mercies Thou hast not made them a consumption, nor hast forsaken them; for a God, gracious and merciful, art Thou.



God does not abandon forever. "mercies" = וּֽבְרַחֲמֶ֧יךָ (ū·ḇə·ra·ḥă·me·ḵā) Strong's 7356: Compassion, the womb, a maiden. The same Strong’s number is used in Genesis 49:25 and refers to womb. וָרָֽחַם׃ (wā·rā·ḥam)


Though we all were birthed from a physical womb, many still remain in a spiritual womb, awaiting to be born again by the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, achieved by faith in Christ

06/16/2023 4:34 PM

Romans 10:13 For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


The simple truth. Everyone will believe in Christ and thus everyone will be saved.

Everyone who = Πᾶς (Pas) = Strong's 3956: All, the whole, every kind of. This same Strong’s is used in Matthew 28:18 which describes the salvation power Jesus has, which is “all authority in heaven and on the earth”

06/17/2023 11:01 PM

Psalm 33:5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His loving devotion. (BSB)


Full = מָלְאָ֥ה (mā·lə·’āh) Strong's 4390. All people will be filled with the Holy Spirit of Righteousness by faith in the LORD Christ.

How full is full? As full as the threshing floors with wheat. וּמָלְא֥וּ (ū·mā·lə·’ū) Joel 2:24 His loving devotion is like an oil poured into a vat until it overflows.

06/18/2023 11:34 PM

 Psalm 119:7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules. (ESV)


Learning the Lord’s righteous rules is not a matter of if, but when. Eventually, all hearts will be made permanently righteous by faith alone in Christ, the receival of the Holy Ghost. When I learn = בְּ֝לָמְדִ֗י bə·lā·mə·ḏî Strong’s 3925 = appears later in Psalm 119:124, where it relates the act of teaching לַמְּדֵֽנִי׃ lam-mə-ḏê-nî Strong’s 3925 as the Lord’s mercy.

06/19/2023 9:03 PM

Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (NRSV)



Are we not all born with a heart of stone? Thus, we must all believe in Christ to gain the Holy Spirit. Therefore, all people will have their hearts of stone replaced a heart of flesh.


Psalm 33:15 He made their hearts, so he understands everything they do. (NLT)



This same heart לֵ֤ב (lêḇ) Strong's 3820:  also means “the will”. God knows everything we do, it was predestined. Even our will to do, was made by Him. Therefore, no matter how hard people try to resist God, they will eventually be reconciled with Him, it is guaranteed.

06/20/2023 2:52 PM

Ephesians 3:20-21 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.



Christ Jesus’s love will exceed ὑπερεκπερισσοῦ (hyperekperissou) Strong's 5228 any blessing we can ever imagine. Oh, how wonderful Heaven will be, with everyone there, all as believers in Christ Jesus. All generations, geneas γενεὰς Strong's 1074, aionios, from age to age, generation to generation, is granted His mercy Luke 1:50.

06/21/2023 4:16 PM

Ecclesiastes 9:7 Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do. (ESV)



has already כְבָ֔ר (ḵə·ḇār) = Strong's 3528: Extent of time, a great while, long ago, formerly, hitherto


What has God already done? Well, He has already prepared a room for each of us in paradise. Eccl 1:10 tells us that things said now have already been said in ancient times. Eccl 6:10 literally says “Everything has already been decided”.


Is Christian Universalism new? No. Many people have already done what I’m doing, posting verses like this, many years ago. When does someone become a Christian? Ultimately, it’s up to God. He decides when someone believes in Christ to be saved.


So, no matter what I say, no matter what I do, if it’s not someone’s time to believe in Christ, then they won’t believe. They will only believe when God decides it’s time for them to believe. To my fellow Christians, I say therefore, be kind to those who do not yet believe, their belief is out of your control. To those who are not Christian, I say, you may not understand what I say now, but eventually, you will, it is guaranteed.

06/22/2023 5:33 PM

 Joel 2:13 Rend your heart and not your garments.

Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate,

slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.



Return וְשׁ֖וּבוּ (wə·šū·ḇū) Strong's 7725: To turn back, in, to retreat, again. All are created by dust from God and all return to dust. Genesis 3:19. Does God have any bias to only save one random pile of dust as opposed to another? No. To God, we are all sinners Romans 3:23 and He desires to save us all. Psalm 67:2.


Dust, עָפָר֙ (‘ā·p̄ār) Strong’s 6083, also means clay, earth, mud. So, we are all made of the earth עָפָר֙ of the Earth הָאָֽרֶץ׃ (hā·’ā·reṣ) Strong’s 776. And God created the whole Earth Genesis 1:1. Thus, let us all have faith alone in Christ. We were all physically created by God, so let us all be spiritually recreated by Him as well.

06/24/2023 12:58 AM

Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”


Some people are so stubborn that they are like a mountain. Years go by and they are still so evil. Yet, the Word of Christ is like a water, constantly splashed on a rock, eventually there’s erosion. Eventually, they believe in Christ to be made clean of all their sins, all will.

With God, nothing is impossible ἀδυνατήσει (adynatēsei) Strong’s 101. Luke 1:37. It also means “unable”. God is able to save all people, thus He will.

06/24/2023 11:04 PM

Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise, In God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?


All must believe in God, the Word of God made flesh, Christ, to be saved. One may not be a Christian Universalist and still be saved by faith alone in Christ. Thus, they are merely a Christian. Still, just as all people will eventually become believers in Christ and go to Heaven, so too in Heaven shall all people realize that everyone was indeed saved.


A Christian בָשָׂ֣ר (ḇā·śār) Strong’s 1320 who is an Infernalist; who believes God tortures people forever, is unable to torture people forever. Likewise, a Christian בָשָׂ֣ר (ḇā·śār) Strong’s 1320  who is an annihilationist, who believes God destroys people forever, is unable to destroy people forever. There’s no reason to be afraid of their meaningless unbiblical threats. When these Christian Infernalists and Christian Annihlationists go to Heaven, and see everybody happy in Heaven, will they be disappointed that they were wrong?


I wouldn’t be too hard on them though. Because I used to be a Christian Infernalist, then a Christian Annihilationist too. How did I eventually become a Christian Universalist? It just randomly happened I guess lol. But that’s how I also became a Christian in the first place XD. All part of God’s plan.

06/25/2023 6:45 PM

Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.



No one can permanently fall outside our Father’s care. The Lord cares for all creation, humans, sparrows, even the fallen angels. Fall, πεσεῖται peseitai Strong's 4098 here is used to describe the angel Satan having fallen πεσόντα pesonta Strong's 4098 from Heaven Luke 10:18.


All creation, no matter how evil, will be made clean by the blood of Christ, by faith in Him, and thus be reconciled with God in Heaven.

06/26/2023 5:33 PM

Amos 5:4 For Yahweh says to the house of Israel: “Seek me, and you will live; (WEB)


The YHWH God Is real. What were we created for? To live? Why would God destroy that original purpose.

Genesis 2:7. When the breath of life is breathed into a creature, they become a living creature.

Thus, we must obtain the Holy Spirit of Permanent Life, all will by faith in Christ, who’s blood blots out the consequence of death for all sins.

That is why live: וִֽחְיֽוּ׃ (wiḥ·yū) Strong's 2421:  means to live and to revive. Everyone will be resurrected thus in glorified bodies.

06/27/2023 2:27 PM

My own biological mother threw a Bible verse I had written into the garbage. I was crying when I was talking to her today. She does not believe in Christian Universalism. My own biological father does not believe in Christian Universalism either.


At my desk, she saw me peacefully writing a Bible verse by myself. She got upset. She called me “crazy”, “weird”, “not normal” because I spread these papers in public. She is against me talking to people online about this too, like on Discord. She says she does not want to be friends with a person who writes Bible verses like I do. She commands me to stop evangelizing; I will not stop.


She called it a waste of time, over and over again. She says other people have their own religious beliefs, so I should not interfere. She says this should be kept inside only church buildings.


But how will those outside these buildings hear this good news? That person she mentioned, on Discord, became converted to Christian Universalism because I talked with them. So, it’s not a waste. Those dozens of papers I wrote, well, my mother read one, so it was not a waste. And my younger sister became a Christian Universalist too.


So, I showed her this verse, which I show to you too my friends :)

Psalm 105:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! (ESV).



When people online insult me, it hurts. When my own mother insults me, it hurts even more.


Even still, I still love her. Please Father, forgive her.

06/29/2023 2:16 AM

Romans 5:19 for as through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners: so also through the obedience of the one, shall the many be constituted righteous. (YLT).

The many πολλοί (polloi) Strong's 4183 who are sinners is the exact same Greek word as the many πολλοί (polloi) Strong's 4183: who are made righteous. Now, how many people will become believers in Christ? All who do not believe. How many will become reconciled with God? All who are not yet reconciled. In the past, we were all not believers in Christ and were not reconciled, just as we were made righteous, so too will the rest of all sinners, all humans, by faith in Christ.

06/29/2023 10:03 PM

Romans 8:30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.



If God predestined everyone to be saved by becoming believers in Christ, why are there still so many people who do not believe in Christ?”


The fact that there are people who are not believers in Christ means that His predestination for all creation remains true. When a farmer picks apple, not all are red right away. Those which were red first were called the “firstfruits” ἀπαρχὴ (aparchē) 1 Corinthians 15:23.


He predestined προώρισεν (proōrisen) Strong's 4309: To foreordain, predetermine, mark out beforehand.


Yes, God has predetermined the event of “Everyone As Believers in Christ” in advance. But He has also predetermined the events of “1% of the World Are Believers in Christ”, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%. It’s like a loading screen. It does not fill up right away, yet eventually it will.

06/30/2023 12:51 PM

He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed..



His wounds heal us. μώλωπι (mōlōpi) Strong's 3468: A bruise, stripe, left on the body by scourging. Many people are bruised… they look at life and wonder if happiness is even possible, in a world filled with so much suffering. Yet, Christ suffered for our sins, in order to free us. There is permanent freedom awaiting us all, healing ἰάθητε (iathēte) Strong's 2390, by faith alone in Him, God.

07/01/2023 6:43 PM

  Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.



To abolish [them], καταλῦσαι (katalysai) Strong's 2647: From kata and luo; to loosen down, i.e. to demolish; The Lord desires to save all people. 1 Timothy 2:3-6. Will He abolish His own desire? No, just as He does not abolish the law. God’s plan is to save everybody from sin. Ephesians 1:10. Will He demolish His own plan? No, just as He does not demolish the prophets.


From this, we conclude that the Lord does not abolish nor demolish anyone permanently No. Therefore, all will believe in Him, Christ, for His desire and plan to be fulfilled, πληρῶσαι (plērōsai) Strong's 4137:, finish

07/02/2023 8:01 PM

Now my mother, a Christian, and my younger sister, a Christian Universalist, are both against me spreading the good news of Christian Universalism by handing out my handwritten Bible verses to people in public. They have been my close friends for so many years, I still love them, but even if I am completely alone, I will still have Christ.


Though my earthly father is not a Christian Universalist, he is still a Christian, like my mother, he supports my soulwinning, so I felt his support here much more than those two.


I wept so much when gently talking to my mother and sister today that I continued crying inside our house, outside, in the car ride to church, and throughout the physical church meeting while singing to worship music.


There, they showed this verse

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (NKJV)



treasure θησαυρός (thēsauros)

Strong's 2344: A store-house for precious things;


Jesus is precious. My mother and sister are precious to me. Are we not all precious to Him as well? Therefore, He will store us in His Father’s House. He will never completely lose us. All will have faith in Christ to be permanently saved thus.

07/03/2023 8:33 PM

My mother is actively trying to stop me from spreading the Gospel of Christ, that He will save all.


My family were preparing to go out, I was sitting peacefully waiting for them. Suddenly, my mother appeared and grabbed the Bible verses out of the right side of my shorts, she took them from me! I suddenly realized that she was about to grab the Bible verses from the left side of my shorts too, so I quickly went outside. I pray to the Lord that my mother is blessed. And I'm grateful that I at least have these I can still use. I have placed the Bible verses in my shoes, left and right, inside of my socks at the bottom of my feet to help prevent my mother from taking away my Bible verses. I will not stop spreading the Bible. As it is written.


Romans 10:15 How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things Isaiah 52:7



When my mother came into the car, I asked her if she could please return the Bible verses that she took from me. She asked why, so I replied saying I would spread them in public. As of sending this message to you, my friends, she has not returned those Bible verses she took from me. I will write more.

07/04/2023 7:33 PM

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness (BSB).


in all its fullness. περισσὸν (perisson) Strong's 4053: From peri; superabundant or superior

How can one live a life of all fullness without their loved ones there? A superior, superabundant life without their family and friends? God desires to save the fullness of the Earth through Christ, believe in Him to be permanently saved.

The thief whose name is “Eternal Conscious Torment” comes to steal happiness and replace it with constant torture. The thief whose name is “Annihilationism” comes to permanently destroy.

07/06/2023 12:05 AM

Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.



and hidden things; וּמְסַתְּרָתָ֑א (ū·mə·sat·tə·rā·ṯā) Strong's 5642: To conceal, to demolish. The only other occurrence of  סְתַר (cthar) comes from Ezra 5:12 where it says “destroyed this house”. As that which is destroyed/demolished can still be revealed, that means they are not permanently completely demolished.


Yet God is a revealer of secrets and mysteries. Daniel 2:47. As long as someone does not believe in Christ, God to them is a mystery. John 14:6. If God permanently destroys someone, then salvation is kept a secret to them. If God permanently tortures someone, then the joy of being saved is kept hidden from them.


Light dwells with the Lord Jesus, therefore this light must dwell inside all people, in order for the glory of God to be revealed to all.

07/06/2023 3:19 PM

My mother, sister and I were crying. Today, July 6 2023, my mother told us that for her mammogram… they found something. She’s scheduled for another appointment July 18 2023. We’re worried she may have breast cancer.


Even after telling me this bad news, she continued telling me to stop writing Bible verses. I love her… but I will not stop.

Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”



I know I wanted her to stop preventing me from spreading the good news that all will become believers in Christ. But please, Father, not like this…

07/07/2023 5:15 PM

My mother says she feels pain in her right breast and in her right hand. The one who did her mammogram asked my mother the name of her doctor so they could send a written note. We are preparing for her possible death.


avees 4:14 ESV Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.



We discussed who gets the share of her assets, her will, how to be buried, her cooking recipes, what sort of casket she likes, etc. If you told me I would be making these preparations a few days ago, I may not have believed you.


She warned us there are women who may want to marry my father in order to divorce him and get half our assets. As well, to take off her ring before burial so funeral staff do not commit the sin of stealing it. Exodus 20:15.

While my sister and I stayed with her, she talked about how life is short and fragile. Yet, she has continued to tell me to stop spreading the Bible. Though I love her, I will continue telling people to believe in Christ to be saved.


Yet… our lives are so short. Is that really enough time to come to such a big decision as to believe? In Numbers One:1,18,2022,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,45 it refers to those “twenty years old and upwards” as the age of consent, like for consensus or war.


Many don’t even live that long! Yet, are they doomed to endless torture or permanent destruction because biologically their brain has not fully developed?


In fact, when does our brain EVER fully develop?


Harvard Medical School states that “scientists now see the brain as continuously changing and developing across the entire life span”. What if someone’s brain has not biologically changed in a way that makes the idea of becoming a believer in Christ appealing?


Today marks day 4 of the hottest day recorded on Earth. External factors like heat due to climate change also affect someone’s cognitive functions. Many are too busy living paycheck-to-paycheck, what time is there for them to even learn the basics of Christianity?


To deny post-mortem salvation is cruel, unjust and unbiblical. Psalm 16:10. Acts 2:27. All in the realm of the dead, Sheol/Hades, will eventually become believers in Christ and thus be saved.

07/08/2023 10:16 PM

Again, my mother tells me to stop spreading the good news of Christ. Why is she so persistent? She tells me she fears I will be murdered and tortured. And that my family will be murdered and tortured. I am against the sins of murder Exodus 20:13 and torture Psalm 11:5.


Jeremiah 29:11 ESV For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.



If that is my fate, to suffer, then it is what it is. However, that murder will not be permanent nor will that torture be endless. As it is the fate for all people to become believers in Christ.

07/09/2023 2:01 PM

Isaiah 54:10 “shall the mountains depart, nor shall thy hills be removed: so neither shall my mercy fail thee” (BST)



Why will all become believers in Christ and thus be reconciled with God? Because otherwise, God’s mercy fails. Yet clearly, scripture teaches that:


God’s loving-devotion/kindness will not depart/remove from you


וְחַסְדִּ֞י (wə·ḥas·dî) Strong's 2617 לֹֽא־ (lō-) Strong's 3808 יָמ֗וּשׁ (yā·mūš) Strong's 4185


Annihilationism removes God’s loving-devotion. Eternal Conscious Torment has God’s kindness depart. In both cases, God gives up. Yet, the Bible explicitly teaches that He does not. Thus, Christian Universalism is true.

07/10/2023 3:18 PM

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.



Only the righteous צַדִּ֣יק (ṣad·dîq) Strong’s 6662 are kept safe. Yet, no human on Earth is righteous צַדִּ֖יק (ṣad·dîq) Strong’s 6662. Ecclesiastes 7:20. Who then is kept safe by the Lord? There must be a way to gain righteousness, otherwise no one is safe.


How then is righteousness gained? Only by faith in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus, who died for our unrighteousness. Therefore, all humans on Earth will be kept safe by belief in Him, His righteous blood.

07/11/2023 7:41 PM

Isaiah 45:9

Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker,

those who are nothing but potsherds

among the potsherds on the ground.

Does the clay say to the potter,

What are you making?’

Does your work say,

The potter has no hands’?



A potsherd is a broken fragment of a pot, one clay pot חֶ֖רֶשׂ (ḥe·reś) Strong's 2789: Earthenware, earthen vessel, sherd, potsherd.


Indeed, we are like earthen vessels. We, humans of the earth, with our bodies as vessels for our souls, are all sinners.


We have all broken the law of God, our Maker. Thus, with His hands, He will convince all of us through His own hands to believe in Christ, to be repaired from our sins.


Can the annihilationist clay say to the potter “What are you making? Salvation for all? Don’t you want to permanently destroy the sinners?”


Can the infernalist clay say “The potter can not save everybody because He has no hands?”

07/12/2023 9:29 AM

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.


Sheol Psalm 16:10 = Hades Acts 2:27 = Realm of the dead. The English word “hell” is used in KJB, even though that specific term is not used in the original scriptures at all.


Strong’s 4439 refers to πύλαι (pylai) as a leaf or wing of a folding entrance. With Hades ᾅδου (hadou) Strong's 86 as place of departed souls.


For God’s word to be true, the entrance to the place of departed souls must not prevail. Meaning there must not be even a single person who is permanently trapped in Hades. But how many will be members of His church? Meaning, how many will have faith alone in Christ? 1 Corinthians 15:22-28 …in Christ all will be made alive (LSB)

07/13/2023 4:04 PM

My earthly father told me that he was emailing a man who was laughing about a funny video and then immediately the next day this man suddenly died of kidney failure.


Ecclesiastes 9:2 Everyone will die someday (NIRV)


Many people will die today says around ~150,000.


Ecclesiastes 9:2 Everyone shares the same fate (NETB)


But what is this fate? For all to die in Adam and thus for all to be made alive in Christ. For all sinners to become believers in Christ. Thus, our fate is shared, both in death and in life afterwards. And because some have been saved Ephesians 2:8-9, all will be saved.

07/14/2023 8:32 PM

1 Thessalonians 5:15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.



What is evil? evil κακὸν (kakon) Strong's 2556: Bad, evil, in the widest sense.


Biblically, God does not cast out forever. Lam 3:3. But hypothetically, if He did, whether by permanent torture/destruction, He would see us as worthless. Because love means correctional punishment, which must be temporary. The punishment lasts as long as the evil lasts. Therefore, as long as evil exists, punishment will continue.


So, if the punishment lasts forever, then no correction can be made. It means that God failed to follow that which is good, meaning, to bring sinners to righteousness by faith alone in Christ.


avees 4:17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.



God knows what He ought to do, to remove all evil, which is only possible by saving us all. So, if God does not save us all, He commits sin. This is a contradiction, since God cannot commit sin Psalm 18:30, thus Universal Reconciliation through Christ is true.


The love of violence, Psalm 11:5. חָמָ֑ס (ḥā·mās)


Strong's 2555: Violence, wrong, by meton, unjust gain

07/16/2023 7:45 PM

[A phone message from yesterday me]


I type this as I wait in line at anime convention Ai-kon which I enjoy to get a free signature (per person) from voice actor for Ayaka, from fictional aka fake video games Genshin Impact which my sister and I are fans of. VA for Felix is here too, which she is getting a free signature from.


 Psalm 37:7 NRSV Be still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him; do not fret over those who prosper in their way, over those who carry out evil devices.



Since I've got plenty of time, here's today's nonfiction aka real daily Bible verse. Going to Heaven is like waiting in line. Some people have faith in Christ earlier than others. You must have faith in Christ to go to Heaven. Who is in this line? All people! No matter how long it takes, you will reach the end to receive the free gift of life from LORD God Jesus, permanent peace in paradise.


NOOOOOO. :( lol. Well, the signing line I was in for VA Erica Mendez closed so I did not get her signature here. However, the line to Heaven never closes, as the LORD God is greater than all humans.

07/17/2023 1:35 PM

I type this as I am once again waiting in line with my sister at anime convention Ai-kon to get a free signature from English VA for Ayaka 3 great characters from fictional aka fake series Genshin Impact that I enjoy.


 Revelation 21:27 ESV But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life.



A signature is like a written name. So then, whose names will be written in the nonfictional aka real Lamb's Book of Life? Everybody's names, never to be permanently blotted out. As the blood of the Lamb washes away all uncleanliness to those with faith. All people will thus believe in the Lamb of God, Christ to gain permanent citizenship in paradise, the Holy City of New Jerusalem.

07/18/2023 8:29 PM

Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.



The false doctrine of eternal conscious torture is human tradition, no biblical punishment lasts forever.


In the past (2018), my earthly father whom I love said: “Those are really the type of people who deserve eternal punishment in hell. The type who should be engulfed in the flames for ever and ever.”


If I wanted to win the approval of my earthly father, I would agree with him, except I do not, as I am a servant of Christ. “Eternal” = mistranslated as “forever and ever” = aionios in Greek = pertaining to an age


In the past (2023), my earthly mother whom I love said: “You don’t know what type of person you’re talking to online. You’re being manipulated! You’re smart… use that… use your smartness.”


If I wanted to please my early mother with my “smartness”, I would agree with her, I except I do not, as I am a servant of Christ. To you, my friends, who I talk to online, I will continue to spread the Gospel of Christian Universalism. <3

07/20/2023 6:41 PM

1 Samuel 15:2-3 ESV This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”



Murder is always a sin. Exodus 20:13. Murder = Unlawful unjustified killing. Not all killing is bad. God’s command to kill men/women/children/infants/animals is good because it’s lawful, as God cannot break His own law, and justified, as all are sinners and have fallen short of God’s glory. Romans 3:23. This killing is not חָמָ֑ס (ḥā·mās) Strong's 2555, which is violence, which the LORD God is against Psalm 11:5. Proverbs 3:31. Thus, God’s punishments, like God’s approved killings, cause grief as per Lamentations 3:31-33, the LORD Almighty does not enjoy it.


Will the LORD God rest in permanent unenjoyment? That’s what Infernalists and Annihlationists posit, who believe God tortures and destroys forever. Yet, Zephaniah 3:17 ESV tells us “He [the LORD God] will rejoice over you with gladness”. God does not enjoy punishing people, yet, here He’s glad? Huh???? Clearly there’s a contradiction here, which is only resolved through Christian Universalism, which posits that God’s punishments are temporary and all will be permanently made alive by faith in Christ. The fact that God rejoices means that there’s a time where punishment ends.

07/21/2023 10:42 PM

 Romans 5:3-4 (RSV) “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope”



Suffering has the ability to produce repentance, metanoia, meaning, a change of mind. To be convinced to believe in the Christ, that’s the end goal, hope.


Yet with infernalism, there is no end to suffering, no end goal. The LORD fails to correct, He becomes “incorrect” in His promise as Saviour 1 Timothy 4:10.


With annilhationism, the suffering has failed to achieve its purpose. They are permanently destroyed before they believe in Christ. Like a character arc cut off before it’s second season. If the LORD had waited just a little bit longer they would be saved, but oops, did He become too tired of waiting? Even though LORD = Love = patience. 1 Corinthians 13:4. Even though He’s already waited thousands of years for us!


Countdown: Yesterday was the 7th day, now 6 more days until I reveal the name of the violent organization that my mother fears will torture and murder our family.

07/23/2023 12:18 AM

My mother, sister, father and I went to IKEA today where I spread the good news that all people will eventually believe in Jesus Christ and thus will be saved. There I handwrote Bible verses with a big plushie of a shark called a “BLÅHAJ”, which was in my shopping cart and then carried by hand after the stairs.


It seems those among the LGBTQ+ community have association with this BLÅHAJ. Interesting. I am LGBTQ+ affirming and support them, so this is good.


 Psalm 148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth, You great sea creatures and all the depths;



Yes, all sharks will praise the LORD.

great sea creatures תַּ֝נִּינִ֗ים (tan·nî·nîm) Strong's 8577: A marine, land monster, sea-serpent, jackal also appears in Exodus 7:9+7:10 where Aaron threw down his staff and it became a תַּ֝נִּינִ֗ים (tan·nî·nîm): serpent NLT, snake NIV. Isaiah 34:13+35:7+43:20+51:9 KJB uses “dragon(s)”.


Who is a monster on our land John 8:44, a serpent 2 Cor 11:3, a dragon Revelation 12:9? Satan. Some of you may think you are too evil to be saved from sin, yet truly, even Satan will believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to be made permanently clean of all his sin. Yes, even the devil, that תַּ֝נִּינִ֗ים (tan·nî·nîm), will praise the LORD!


Countdown: 5 days

07/23/2023 11:27 PM

Today my mother saw a crack 2 cubits long in our ceiling dripping water from rainfall. My father looked in the attic and saw it close to knob and tube wiring. There’s a risk of it catching on fire and burning down our home. My family is worried. An allegory for many societies that are currently collapsing with its citizens unaware.


 2 Corinthians 5:1 “Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is dismantled, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” (MSB)



Many citizens of Christianity are unaware that “eternal”: αἰώνιον (aiōnion) Strong's 166, means a duration through the age(s) [aión(s)] to which the thing spoken or relates. Like Jonah’s aiónion residence in the fish is mistranslated as “forever” (Jonah 2:6 NIV NLT ESV BSB etc) לְעוֹלָ֑ם (lə·‘ō·w·lām) Strong's 5769 when it was 72 hours. (Jonah 1:17).


So that “everlasting” aiónion punishment mentioned by Infernalists/Annihlationists (Matthew 25:46)? For some it may be 3 days. Or more or less. It really “pertains to the age(s) [aión(s)]”. But never “forever”.

But wait” you may say “so our ‘building from God, an “eternal” aiónion house in heaven’ will only last for age(s) [aión(s)]? How do we know we have permanent life in heaven when we believe in Christ to be saved?”


John 6:37 MSB: Everyone the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will never drive away. -> Who has been given to the Father? Everyone.

John 10:28 MSB I give them eternal (aiónion) life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand. -> The aiónion first sentence does not make our life permanent in heaven, but rather the second sentence.

Romans 8:39 MSB neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. -> The love of God is what makes everyone’s lives permanent in heaven, not the word aiónion!


Climate change shall burn down many people’s aiónion homes on Earth, to whom they shall be given aiónion homes in Heaven. Our earthly lives are aiónion and so are our heavenly ones! What gives everyone permanent life in our belief in Christ? Not the word “aiónion”, but rather, the simple fact that God loves us and will never let us go <3


Countdown: 4 days

07/24/2023 6:52 PM

No one:

Me: Time for the daily Bible verse!


1 Samuel 2:2 AB “There is no one holy like the LORD, There is no one besides You, There is no Rock like our God.”


Yet, the LORD has called us to be holy. 1 Peter 1:15-16. It is the LORD’s desire for ALL our conduct to be holy. Therefore, the LORD must wash away ALL our sins (unholiness), only achievable by faith alone in the righteous (holy) blood of Lord Christ. 1 Peter 1:19.


It is impossible for anything unholy (all sinners) to have holy conduct (righteousness). Since God desires ALL our conduct be holy, He must have ALL people believe in Jesus Christ for each to gain the Holy Spirit. Only then, after salvation, are good works even possible. Hebrews 11:6. Thus, there is no one who will be without the Holy Ghost.


There is no one = אֵין־ (’ên-) Strong's 369: A non-entity, a negative particle


Who will God fail to save? No one: 1 Timothy 4:10.

Who will lose salvation? No one: John 10:28.


Us, the clothes You love John 3:16, are stained with red sin. Isaiah 1:18 Do you…

Infernalism: Hide the clothes in Your closet = Unholiness persists

Annilhationism: Destroy Your beloved clothes = Holiness is missed

Christian Universalism: Wash Your clothes so we are clean = Holiness persists


Infernalism and Annilhationism perpetually continue the existence of sin, unholiness. The only way for unholiness, sin, to become a non-entity is for all entities to become holiness through Christ, this is Christian Universalism.


Countdown: 3 days

07/25/2023 8:18 PM

Yet another email from a different Canadian government worker today. To my sister, it says “You will be supervised by trusted government staff” (copy-pasted quote). My day job is also related to the Government of ave.


If my family and I are tortured and killed by the murderous group I will namedrop in 2 days, so be it. This is information that I have not seen posted anywhere else, so I might be the first to leak this.


Because I promote Christianity with my handwritten Bible verses, my mother today physically calls me weird, an embarrassment and a disgrace to the family. She says I am like the evil Putin, a robot like ChatGPT with no feelings, no emotions, who does not understand and am being manipulated and possessed by the Devil. She says I will lose my job, get a new job, lose that one too, and keep repeating this process until I am living on the aves. So, I tell her that I love and care for her. I bless her.


Why? Because my mother worries our family will be killed by the evil international organization that I will namedrop in 2 days. That evil group has collaborations with the government and police force.


My mother says that if my sister is tortured (sin of violence Psalm 11:5) and murdered Exodus 20:13 that her blood will be on my hands and that I may feel guilty and kill myself so we’re both dead. I will miss the happy days of watching anime and playing video games with them… But truly I tell you, there will be a time where those happy days will never end as all will eventually believe in Christ and thus be saved and go to Heaven.

 1 Peter 3:17 ESV For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil.



Why do I risk my life? My mother tells me we’re all going to die soon anyways. Climate change, world war, biodiversity loss, civil conflict, famine, etc. It’s like we are on the sinking ship of the Titanic and I’m mopping the floors. But this is precisely the reason why I’m so motivated, because soon all of our suffering will end! :D

07/26/2023 5:02 PM

My own family members are part of this evil murderous church that I will expose tomorrow, July 27 2023, a special day. Not my father, nor my sister, nor I, nor no longer my mother as well, but many others.


Yesterday, I asked my mother if they would even kill a member of their own family. She said it’s a possibility because they are so devoted to this wicked church.


This is not surprising, as the first human murderer was Cain who killed his brother Abel. Genesis 4:8. Yet, the LORD did not permanently destroy Cain, as Annihlationists believe is the fate of sinners.


 Genesis 4:15 Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.



For Infernalism to be true, Cain’s punishment would have to be endless, meaning no beginning. Yet, the LORD declared it as an earthly punishment, a clear start date. And it lasts for as long as Cain is alive on the earth, not forever.


 Genesis 4:10-12

11 Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12 When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.” 13 Cain said to the LORD, “My punishment is more than I can bear.



The Hebrew word for “My punishment” עֲוֺנִ֖י (‘ă·wō·nî) Strong's 5771: Iniquity, guilt, punishment for iniquity is used in Psalm 32:5 “…you forgave the guilt of my sin.” (NIV). That is the end date of curse for a person. How does one gain forgiveness for sins? As the wages of sin is death, thus, Christ died to pay that price and bodily resurrected. Thus, Christian Universalism is true, as all murderers like Cain, all sinners, will eventually believe in the LORD God Jesus and be saved.

07/28/2023 12:54 AM

Philippians 2:11 And every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Have faith alone in Jesus Christ, the LORD God, all shall thus be saved.


Ha… I feel myself uncontrollably shaking as I type this…


Today, July 27 2023, is Iglesia Ni Cristo Day, the founding day of the “Church of Christ”. They are extremely evil. I know this as a person who’s been inside of their physical building in ave my location. They know where my physical address is, where I live. They have already been here, to my family’s house. My mother immigrated from the Philippines where they were located.

Exodus 20:13 ESV You shall not murder. Deuteronomy 5:17 ESV ‘You shall not murder. 1 John 3:12 ESV We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother.



List of the Evil Iglesia Ni Cristo’s (aka INC’s) Many Sins:

Murdering Many People: INC “spiriting away” their victims to hide scandal, decomposing bodies in choir chapel basement, continually mauled, shot dead in head, rupturing blood vessels, asphyxia, suffocation, strangulation, hemorrhage, intracranial damage, trauma creation, conspiracy to kill unlawfully, mortally wounding, raping a high school girl with a bottle, sexual assault, sexual abuse, multiple gunshot wounds head body, fatal shooting, abuse, drowning

Psalm 11:5 ESV The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence. Proverbs 3:31 ESV Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways,



Violence Against Many People: Cutting off genitals, physical torture, assault, abduction, gun whipped, beaten with steel tubes, beaten with lead pipes, beaten with blunt instruments, intimidation, attempting to run over someone, news agency tire slashing “coincidence”, laceration, wounding, ligature marks, contusions, bruising, hematoma, forcefully hog tied, fractured skull, burning skin, cord impressions, abrasions, brawl, chasing by running, kicking, tying hands, private organ abuse, kidnapping via dragging into van, boxed, bringing blowtorch, causing crying, gunned down, stalking, sending death threats, harassment, arson, burning donated property to the ground, throwing big rock at truck, blindfolded, mutilation, bleeding to death on floor, interrogation at gunpoint, handcuffed in car with grenade, threats, online threatening, destruction of property, gunshots in automobile, quarrelsome, tampering with corpses, trapping, aggressive driving,

Exodus 20:15 ESV You shall not steal. Ephesians 4:28 ESV Let the thief no longer steal,



Stealing From Many People: smuggling over a million in cash across international borders without declaring it (must declare when over 10 000 in cash), illegally importing money to Philippines, scamming,


Exodus 20:16 ESV You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.  Exodus 23:1 ESV You shall not spread a false report. Proverbs 19:5 ESV A false witness will not go unpunished



Bearing False Witness Against Many People: falsifying lawsuits, suing news agencies that cover their stories to take them down, tampering with evidence, collaboration with police as they are members of INC, hiding from reporters, media blackout

And many many more…


Evidence: INC Minister arrested, sufficient testimony for conviction, separate decisions of granting official refugee status in ave to three former members as INC has “serious motivation to harm and kill”, real Criminal Case Numbers from Regional Trial Court of Manila, investigation by police crime operatives, multiple witnesses, interviews, news articles, human right violations with actual photos of victim and their burial, printed newspaper scan, victim graphic morgue photograph, bought to Supreme Court


My mother escaped this church. I have family members still inside of it who are extremely devoted. I post these facts so the world can know the truth before I die, as my family fears we may be tortured and murdered by them, yes, even by members of our own family. What I described above, they may do to us, or even worse, because I leak this information.


Online Proof:


New Info I Have Leaked:


If I ever disappear… I hope you understand…

07/30/2023 1:43 AM

Typing today on road trip with family away from house, safety. Murderous Iglesia Ni Cristo has been to our physical address.


 John 14:6 HCSB Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”



way, ὁδὸς (hodos) Strong's 3598: A way, road, journey, path.


Are we there yet?” is a common road trip saying. Everyone will reach the destination called Heaven as all will believe in LORD Jesus Christ; He is the only road to paradise.

07/30/2023 10:43 PM

Was running with my sister outside as I spread Christian Universalism Gospel verses. We found a rich neighborhood since it had a free water dispenser… sponsored by a corporation lol. This fountain at least quenched our thirst.


 John 4:14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”



How much more will the water ὕδωρ (hydōr) Strong's 5204 of Christ permanently quench our spiritual thirst for righteousness, due to our dehydration from sin, which is death, we all have. Believe in Christ to drink of this water!


To call this life “eternal” is a mistranslation. For αἰώνιον (aiōnion) Strong’s 166 dictates a limited duration, with beginning and end. Like how God divided the waters of the firmament Genesis 1:7-9 KJV, which was called “Heaven”.


 Genesis 1:1 KJV In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.


 Revelation 21:1 KJV And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.



The waters of the sea are αἰώνιον (aiōnion). Heaven is αἰώνιον (aiōnion). Earth is αἰώνιον (aiōnion). They are all temporary, because they have beginning and end, as described in the beginning and end of the Bible.


Thus, the word “aiōnion” does not guarantee our immortality in Christ, but rather, the line “never by thirsty again”, meaning to be washed clean of all death.

07/31/2023 7:55 PM

My mother told me she was physically assaulted by her father when she was young in the Philippines. Her father was a devoted member of the wicked Iglesia Ni Cristo. I say “was” because he is now already dead. Still, I believe her story and that it’s important to expose this sin of violence. Psalm 11:5.


That’s why I still show her care, despite her cruel insults towards my sister and I. Relatively speaking, she has done well in stopping the cycle of violence, because she escaped the sinful Iglesia Ni Cristo.


I say this because recently another “Christian” replied to me on a forum promoting the continuous physical beating of children under the guise of “religious discipline”. That is a disgusting evil, I rebuke them.


 Ephesians 6:4 Amplified Bible: Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to the point of resentment with demands that are trivial or unreasonable or humiliating or abusive; nor by showing favoritism or indifference to any of them], but bring them up [tenderly, with lovingkindness] in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.



Biblical Discipline is done in love. Talk with your children, inside, outside: Deuteronomy 6:7. Train them: Proverbs 22:6 Show them the golden rule: Luke 6:31. Instruct them with Holy Scripture of good and evil: 2 Timothy 3:15. Isaiah 54:13. Describe personal stories to them with sound morals. Proverbs 20:11. This is the Sheperd’s Rod שִׁ֭בְטוֹ (ḇə·ṭōw) Strong's 7626 and no good shepherd beats their sheep.

How much more will Our Father in Heaven, Our Shepherd, show kindness to us? Only temporary punishment is corrective, continuous punishment with end is thus absolutely abusive. Eternal Conscious Torment and Annilhationism slander the nature of God as an abusive father who fails to correct.


Christian Universalism is the fulfillment of God’s love, who will restore all people to Him. Child abusers shall be punished for an age, in order to convince them to believe in Christ to be made clean of their sins, then their punishment will cease.

08/01/2023 2:27 PM

My grandfather is a prepper for societal collapse, has a black belt in karate and owns many guns/ammo. In Jun 2023 he spoke with a member of the evil Iglesia Ni Cristo, one who knows my family. He does not stand a chance against them. My father did speak with them too; he is also a gun owner with a black belt in karate, neither can he survive against them. Nor can I, who am an athlete 5’10” with a body fat percentage of 12.49%: 24lbs, lean mass 87%: 163 lbs shown as “healthy” as per Jul 22 2023. Yet BMI (which is inherently flawed) as it calculates me as 26.77 which is “overweight”. I struggle with my body image, so my friends, do no not judge outwards appearance nor let random numbers stop you from self-love. John 7:24.


Anyways, the murderous Iglesia Ni Cristo has a massive stockpile of guns/ammo with many hitmen and assassins, like “Hinirang”, “Agila”, “SCAN”. The entire Filipino government already struggles against them. All physical strength is utterly meaningless in stopping them.




Ephesians 6:12 NKJV 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Today, Aug 1 2023, I spoke with my boss via Zoom, a Dr., I work as his assistant. He told me that Republicans and Democrats both receive funding from the National Rifle Association, thus the evil school shootings continue. What truly stops evil? Only spiritual strength. We discussed how human history is a sinusoidal function, a zero-sum game. Bad times create strong men who create good times which creates weak men who create bad times. As long as there is sin, no matter your physical strength, your suffering will never ever stop. So, believe in the Christ, who makes us clean of all sin! Christian Universalism is like a non-zero-sum game, where all shall believe and all our suffering shall cease.

08/03/2023 1:47 PM

My mother’s childhood in the Philippines was spent living in fear due to the violent Iglesia Ni Cristo. Her brother is a well-known INC member and would frequently get into ave brawls. The INC taught the martial art called “Eagle”.


Out of revenge, these people wanted to kill her brother and his family. Rats would crawl around their hours and their buckets caught water leaking from the roof. Her family, them being members of the INC, would take shifts in the night, looking outside for danger. Some may enjoy the beautiful lights of fireworks, but to my mother, they were used as explosive weapons. They were already so poor, why does the INC continue to exploit those trapped in poverty by manipulating them to give more than they can afford?

'As spoken by fellow Christian Universalist, mandatory monetary tithing is not biblical!


Yet interestingly, the INC does not have 10% tithing. Why? Because they ask for much much more then merely 10% of a person’s income.


So, I understand those who desire vengeance towards the evil Iglesia Ni Cristo because of how much the INC has taken away from people, but be warned of the sin of unjustified killing, which is murder Exodus 20:13, do not repay evil with evil! 1 Thessalonians 5:15. 1 Peter 3:9. Let us expose their evil to the public. Today, Aug 2 2023, my mother says that me spreading Bible verses is a crime and that my handwritten Bible verses are like garbage that should be thrown up to the mountains for no one to see it. She calls me a disgrace, a satanist and the devil’s convert. She says I’m making destruction of myself and making my life miserable. She says this is a privacy issue and that I will hate myself, but I do not regret leaking this information, this is good. How else can the infernalistic INC be brought to justice? Who else will expose the Iglesia Ni Cristo’s false doctrine of eternal conscious torment?


Psalm 90:15 NIV Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,

    for as many years as we have seen trouble.

08/03/2023 8:33 PM

Acts 9:20-21 International Children’s Bible. Soon he began to preach about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “Jesus is the Son of God!” 21 All the people who heard him were amazed. They said, “This is the man who was in Jerusalem. He was trying to destroy those who trust in this name! He came here to do the same thing. He came here to arrest the followers of Jesus and take them back to the leading priests.”



12 years old and under I was, in school, in daycare, and there were the sins of violence. This was long before I believed in Christ. Children from families in the evil Iglesia Ni Cristo, like myself. Me as a child getting physically assaulted by other children and physically assaulting them in return. How much was self-defence? How much was evil hatred?


So around 12 years old when my close friend physically punched me over and over again I did not fight back at all. I cried, putting my arms up to block the blows. It took a while, but after that, violence decreased. So, when my sister was in the same elementary school, it was much more peaceful. Many years later I became a believer in Christ.


What even is the sin of violence anyways!?!? Because God never sins yet He clearly commanded the killing and utter destruction of man, woman, children, infants, etc. 1 Samuel 15:3 What justifies this is that they were not endlessly killed nor permanently destroyed forever. Otherwise, if Christian Universalism is not true, would it not have been better to let the children live longer so they have more time to believe in Christ? God’s order here is only justifiable if the infants have the ability to believe in Christ after their death, post-mortem salvation, because all humans, including children and infants, have sin, and thus be made clean of their sin by faith in Christ. Romans 3:23.

08/05/2023 11:01 AM

God will not help you even though your words of God you think you’re uttering every single day. Every day. Even though you’re praying to God to help you He will not help you at all.” my mother says to me. She says I will end up as a “bum on the ave”.


She does not believe that I can both spread the Bible and continue working at my job. “You’re doomed already right there”, she says, saying I will lose my job because they will find out I am a Christian.


Give me food to eat. Give me a shelter. Provide me a shelter. God will not provide that.” says my mother. Obviously, I want to continue working my job, to survive, but if I lose it because of my faith in Christian Universalism, I trust in the LORD to uphold me.


I can understand her perspective. Why do I risk my future career for the sake of mere words? Why risk my life against the Iglesia Ni Cristo?


2 Corinthians 5:7 CEV But we live by faith, not by what we see.


Because all people shall eventually believe in Christ and shall be saved.

08/05/2023 10:37 PM

I was sanding my basement ceiling today, Aug 5 2023. I wrapped a sheet of sandpaper around a wooden block and I rubbed away with my hand. During this, I listened to interviews of Christian Universalists David Bentley Hart, Gary Amirault, Gerry Beauchemin, Parry (not to be confused with Rob Bell), etc.


I got ceiling dust in my eyes and it physically hurt. Reminded me of the Parable of "The Dust In A Person's Eye"


Matthew 7:3-5. CEV 3 You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye. 4 How can you say, “My friend, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you don't see the log in your own eye? 5 You're nothing but show-offs! First, take the log out of your own eye; then you can see how to take the speck out of your friend's eye.



After regaining my vision, I realized. Sandpaper is rough. Yet, when rubbed on a surface, makes it smooth. Life is rough. Yet, when we suffer, we gain character, smoothness. Romans 5:3-5. This leads all to hope, faith alone in the carpenter's son, Son of God, Jesus Christ. Matthew 13:55, which saves us all.


Why did God permit the false doctrines of Infernalism/Annihlationism to spread? Would the people I mentioned above be on Youtube videos about UR if UR was so obvious that everyone knew it?


Because of the rough suffering many experienced from ECT/CI, content creators have material to work with, arguments to rebuttal and praises to God, thus smoothness.

08/07/2023 1:25 AM

Typing this while my father drives in the dark mother, sister, aunt, myself right past deer close to road. Worst case scenario we'd all be dead in a car crash if deer was a couple feet to right.


Job 34:20 CSB They die suddenly in the middle of the night; people shudder, then pass away. Even the mighty are removed without effort.


All it takes is a mere instance to die. That's why I was spreading the good news of Christian Universalism with my handwritten Bible verse tracts while shirtless at Gimli beach with them today Aug 6 2023.  It was an Icelandic Festival, showing the vikings, who had belief in the Norse mythological concept of Hel, the underworld, where people go after they die, ruled by the false goddess Hel.


Later, mainstream Christianity adopted this word "hell" into many Bible mistranslations: NIV, KJB, ESV, (none in YLT, CLV, NAB, etc.)


The true underworld, the realm of the dead, is referred to as Sheol שְׁאוֹל in Hebrew OT Psalm 16:10 and Hades ᾍδης, ου, ὁ in Greek NT Acts 2:27. What makes this not a myth is because the true LORD God rules over the unseen world. Psalm 86:13 proves He delivers souls out of this abode of departed spirits. Thus, post-mortem salvation is possible. Yes, even atheists who die suddenly in car crashes will still eventually believe in Christ and be saved! Unlike what the delusiononal false tracts of infernalist Jack Chick say, all people will believe in Christ and be saved!

08/08/2023 1:28 AM

Romans 6:23 NRSV For the wages of sin is death

We see ὀψώνια (opsōnia) used as the word for “wages” which, from Strong's 3800: is connected to opsarion; rations for a soldier, i.e. his stipend or pay.


When one thinks of their “pay” they may imagine an “hourly wage”. Yet, for a soldier to somehow “earn” endless punishment as what they sow, they must somehow “endlessly sin”. Which means, in ECT, God allows sin to continue during the punishment, thus the former things aka “sin” has failed to pass away and scripture is contradicted. Revelation 21:4.


Annilhationism is no better. Hebrews 9:22, the remission of blood is required for forgiveness for sins aka belief in the precious blood of Christ. 1 John 1:7. When one is permanently destroyed before they believe, their sin is not permanently destroyed! Sin therefore continues to exist permanently! A permanent failure in God’s plan for the former things to pass away.


The only way to permanently pass away the former things, sin, is to have everyone believe in Christ!

08/09/2023 1:57 AM

Had a Zoom meeting with my Dr. boss today, Aug 8 2023, where we spoke of financial fate.


Proverbs 13:7 NASB There is one who pretends to be rich, but has nothing; Another pretends to be poor, but has great wealth


Many shopping at malls buy expensive Gucci or Supreme clothing with credit card debt. Keeping up with the Jones’. They want to impress their social networks, to brag. Many fail to pay off their loans and reach bankruptcy, they default, damaging their credit rating, blacklisting them from work. This is dangerous.


My Dr. boss from work can have a larger monthly mortgage payment for a bigger house in square feet. He told me he worries that, if they live such a rich lifestyle, what is there for his daughter to strive for? So, he purposely lives more frugally to save money. This is wise.


Society is the quadratic expression of a parabola, like y = x2 - 2x + 3. Left = Poverty. Right = Riches. The vertex is most optimal.


Proverbs 30:8 NASB Give me neither poverty nor riches;


This verse is modelled as a ball sitting atop this hill. It has the highest possible energy potential, since it may either roll left to poverty or right to riches with kinetic energy. It falls, not like a linear slope, but as an exponential function due to the acceleration of gravity. At the bottom of either side, this potential is lost.

No matter where this ball of a human sinner moves to, they shall surely die. Due to the laws of thermodynamics, our sinful universe is trapped in a closed system, having more energy become unavailable out of entropy due to sin, yet did not God create energy, as He created the rich and poor?


1 Samuel 2:7 NASB The LORD makes poor and rich; He brings low, He also exalts.


It is impossible for any human sinner to defy what the LORD has already planned out through the laws of physics. How can a rolling ball stop itself from falling on its own? How can any sinner stop themselves from being convinced to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved? Truly, all descendants of Adam shall fall and shall believe and shall be saved.


Money is available energy. Those with the sin of covetousness, through greediness, the love of money, 1 Timothy 6:10, who hoard wealth, their stability is a clog in the world’s sewage system. Money, like manure, is most useful when spread around. Blood must flow through the body; the excessively rich are a blood clot in a vein. Woe to them, as they have stolen their employees’ wages, their potential. It’s delusional to try to get infinite growth within a finite system.

08/09/2023 12:44 PM

There’s also the Greek myth of hell ruled by the false underworld god “Hades”. Some people I spoke to tried to falsely claim that Christianity was “mythological” because it also used the word “Hades”, specifically, ᾍδης, ου, ὁ Strong’s Greek 86.


My rebuttal is that the Biblical Hades meaning “realm of the dead” originates from Sheol in Hebrew Psalm 16:10, which preceded literally all of Greek culture! Both simply mean “realm of the dead”, the Greeks merely attached one of their many mythological gods to the concept, like the Hellenistic false god Aion ( Greek: Αἰών), the term related to ages, originally referenced in Hebrew as עוֹלָם Strong’s Hebrew 5769 olam, both do not mean “forever”. Easy way to prove this is with:


Psalm 106:48 NASB “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, From everlasting to everlasting. And all the people shall say, “Amen.” Praise the LORD!”


The olam inflection הָ֤עוֹלָ֨ם ׀ (hā·‘ō·w·lām) is used here twice for each “everlasting”. Forever is infinite. It’s impossible for two infinite objects to take the same space! If a person is stuck in the first “forever” it’s impossible for them to move on to this second “forever”, yet this verse clearly shows a movement from haowlam to haowlam.


But let’s try this translation I made:


Psalm 106:48 “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, From age to age. And all the people shall say, “Amen.” Praise the LORD!”